Tips on Traveling with Friends

           Travelling with friends can be one of the most memorable experiences of your life. These travels will be remembered all your years. So making these memories bountiful and meaningful with friends is an important aspect of enjoying life while you still have all the energies of your youth. However, these vacations would quickly go down and drain if you are not on the same page with your friends. That is why it is very important that you communicate and plan together in order to avoid confrontations during the trip. Here are some of the things I suggest you should do before your scheduled trips:

  •  Trip itinerary:  Make sure everyone agrees on the daily activities;

  •  Trip costs:   Make sure everyone is aware with their own share of the costs;

  • Food/Lodge:  All must be aware of sleeping and eating arrangements; and,

  • Make sure everyone communicates their expectations as far as which activities will be done   as a group  or individually.  Of course, your friends might like to have some “alone” time during the trip and so everyone must be sensitive enough to spare him/her such time. Just make sure it is within the overall plan.








  "It is very important to make sure you are comfortable with travelling with all of the group members and their various personalities. Well, if you love travelling alone to find solace, then you can do it of course. After all, you know yourself better. I had travelled alone many times and it did help me a lot in finding myself and what I really want to do in life. So, whether with friends or alone, the most important thing is you are enjoying the trip!"  - MLE


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